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September 19, 2023

Data-Driven Transformation

How we helped Streamline a complaint management system of our client and improved customer satisfaction with our innovative AWS-powered solution

In the realm of complaint management, our client faced significant challenges due to manual processes and limited insights. In order to revolutionize their operations and enhance client satisfaction, our team stepped in with an AWS-powered data and analytics transformation.

About Client

In the realm of complaint management, our client faced significant challenges due to manual processes and limited insights. In order to revolutionize their operations and enhance client satisfaction, our team stepped in with an AWS-powered data and analytics transformation.

Business Background

In the realm of complaint management, our client faced significant challenges due to manual processes and limited insights. In order to revolutionize their operations and enhance client satisfaction, our team stepped in with an AWS-powered data and analytics transformation.

  1. Manual Process: The client's complaint management process relied heavily on manual procedures. Complaints were registered, tracked, and documented manually, leading to inefficiencies and delays. This manual approach resulted in a time-consuming and error-prone process, impacting the overall efficiency of complaint resolution.
  2. Delayed Report Preparation: The client faced significant challenges in compiling and generating reports. Monthly reports took 1-2 weeks to prepare, while annual reports required up to 3 months. This delay in report generation hindered timely decision-making and limited the client's ability to identify emerging patterns or address recurring issues promptly.
  3. Lack of Insights: Without real-time data analysis and visualization capabilities, the client struggled to gain meaningful insights from their complaint data. The absence of a centralized system for data analysis made it difficult to identify complaint trends, track resolution rates, and make data-driven decisions. This lack of actionable insights limited the client's ability to proactively address issues and improve their complaint management processes.

These challenges collectively impacted the client's ability to deliver efficient and satisfactory complaint management services to their stakeholders. It became crucial for the client to find a solution that could streamline their processes, provide real-time insights, and enhance their overall customer experience.

What is Cloud Migration?
Cloud Deployment Models
3-Step Cloud Migration Process
How Qucoon helped

To address the challenges faced by our client in their complaint management process, we implemented an innovative AWS-powered solution. Here's a detailed overview of how our solution revolutionized the complaint management process:

  1. Digitized Complaint Management: Our team developed a user-friendly Citizens App, empowering citizens to easily submit complaints, report issues, and provide feedback. This digitized platform streamlined the complaint registration process, ensuring a seamless experience for citizens.
  2. Cloud Infrastructure: Leveraging the power of AWS, we established a robust and scalable cloud infrastructure to handle the storage and processing of complaint data. We utilized Amazon S3, to store the vast amount of complaint data efficiently. This allowed for easy accessibility, durability, and cost-effective storage of the data.
  3. Automated Data Processing: To ensure efficient and accurate data processing, we employed a range of AWS tools and services. The process involved the following steps:
  • Data Ingestion: Complaint data from various sources was ingested into the AWS ecosystem. We used AWS Glue, to extract, transform, and load (ETL) service, to perform the initial data ingestion and transformation tasks. Glue simplified the process by automatically discovering and cataloging the metadata of the complaint data.
  • Data Cleaning and Transformation: To ensure the integrity and quality of the complaint data, we leveraged AWS Glue's data cleaning and transformation capabilities. Glue allowed us to define and execute data transformation scripts to standardize and clean the data. This involved tasks such as removing duplicate entries, correcting data inconsistencies, and structuring the data in a standardized format.
  • Data Storage: The cleaned and transformed complaint data was then stored in Amazon S3, to ensure that the data was protected and readily accessible for further processing and analysis.
  • Data Visualization: To provide meaningful insights to decision-makers, we utilized AWS QuickSight.QuickSight allowed us to create visually appealing and interactive dashboards, presenting complaint data in an easy-to-understand format. Decision-makers and department heads could explore the dashboards, filter the data, and gain actionable insights to monitor complaint trends, identify areas of improvement, and track resolution rates.

4.Monthly Dashboards: With AWS QuickSight, , we created dynamic and interactive dashboards. These dashboards provided real-time insights into complaint trends, resolution rates, and key performance indicators. Each department had access to tailored dashboards, enabling them to monitor and analyze complaint-related metrics effectively.

5.Streamlined Reporting: By automating the data processing and visualization, our solution eliminated the manual effort required for report preparation. The system generated comprehensive reports on a timely basis, providing decision-makers with up-to-date information to drive effective decision-making and policy improvements.

By leveraging the capabilities of AWS tools and services, we empowered our client to overcome their operational challenges and transformed their complaint management process. The implementation of our solution significantly reduced delays in report preparation, provided real-time insights into complaint data, and enabled informed decision-making. Ultimately, this led to improved complaint resolution times, enhanced customer satisfaction, and a more efficient and transparent  process.